Sunday, June 23, 2013

56 : One Day at a Time

The act of getting a divorce prompted a lot of questions for me.  What was I going to do?  Where would I live?  Would I stay in the city?  Would I stay in the state?  How was I going to do all of this by myself without my family here to help?  How could I ask that much of my friends when they had their own lives to live?  And unfortunately for me, I was forever tied now to my husband (soon to be ex) so his decisions impacted me as well.  Where would he live?  What was he doing professionally?  How would we transport our children back and forth?  What were we going to do as far as the kids were concerned next month?  It was incredibly overwhelming when I stopped to think about it.  So that was just it- I tried as much as I could to just keep moving and NOT think about it.  I learned to focus on what the immediate problem at hand was and keep the other possibilities off my plate.  This was completely opposite from how I was used to functioning.  I was organized.  I had my s**t together.  I was a planner.  I tried where I could to make some plans (see post #22) but there were a lot of things that could not be determined just yet.  This drove me crazy, but I grew better at it over time.  So much so that one day I was in a therapy session (see post #7) and my therapist asked me what my plan was if X happened?  I told her I don't know.  You've trained me not to think about the what ifs and just address the problems that I am actually facing!   She laughed at my response.  Fair enough.  My life was changing so rapidly.  I couldn't solve it all today.  I would just continue taking things one day at a time and when I needed to address the change, then I would.  For now, that was all I could do.

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