Wednesday, October 16, 2013

171 : Why not?

I was out this past weekend and very randomly gave my number out to someone.  I say it was random because I had no expectation of this happening.  His friend and my friend were friends - and so we were just kind of stuck sitting next to each other talking.  It's not like the conversation was unpleasant, either.  It was just, well, uneventful.  He was a nice enough guy, but I didn't get the feeling there was interest there for either of us.  Perhaps I've just been out of the dating scene for so long, that I have no clue?  Anyway, he asked me for my number (nevermind the fact that he did not know I was a 37 year old recent divorcĂ© single mom of a 1 and 3 year old.  That's irrelevant, right?)  I was pretty sure at some point during our conversation he made a reference that cued his age, but the topic never came up directly, so I wasn't going to worry about it.  He told me he would text me the next night if they went out and maybe I could meet them.  (Sure, because that's how dating work these days- you just text with a complete stranger without really getting an opportunity to know them in person.)  I never heard from him the rest of the weekend, and assumed there had been other girls more interesting that he had moved onto.  And to be honest, I didn't care in the least.  I was in a weird head space.  I was open to just about anything right now.  And I think I was becoming more like a man.  I was actually starting to enjoy being by myself.  Yes, I wanted to meet someone eventually but I was viewing every guy I came across with equal possibility and just as equally disposable (that's the man part).  So by Sunday, I too had forgotten about this guy.  Then come Monday night I got a text.  From a strange number.  It was him.  He told me he'd like to take me out for a drink sometime in the next week.  Okay, now here we go.  Reaching out.  Taking initiative.  I liked that.  It wasn't the typical let's start texting and never really follow through on anything text.  He wanted to make plans.  I was pretty confident nothing would ever happen with this guy.  I didn't even think I liked him. But what the hell?  Why not give it a try?

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