Wednesday, August 14, 2013

108 : Go Back to Your Therapist

I had first gone to see a therapist back in December when my husband told me he was unhappy (see post #7).  Fast forward 8 months and I felt like almost a completely different person.  So much had transpired since the start of the year.  As I entered my most recent appointment, we returned to the room where we had first met and with that came a flood of emotion in remembering that first session.  Before I knew it, somehow I was crying again- yes I had come so far, but I was also only human.  It was still crazy in so many ways to process what had happened over the past year.  There was a time when I NEEDED to see my therapist every week and now I had advanced onto just monthly sessions for minor 'tune ups'.  Among all the things we discussed in the session most recently, there were 3 things that stuck out to me.  1)  My therapist reminded me that all the feelings I was having as I faced uncertainty of what my future held were completely normal.  It was healthy to feel anxious, excited and afraid all at the same time.  2) My therapist acknowledged that through all of this, I seemed to have kept my sense of humor.  I took this to be a huge compliment.  I've always liked to think I'm pretty funny, so I'm proud that even my therapist could recognize this in me.  I know that humor has helped me get through much of this and it felt good to be reminded I still had it.  3) I had gotten significantly better since our very first meeting.  I had accepted that my marriage was over.  I may be sad about it for a long time, but I was no longer in denial. I had made some progress.  I told her as I left my session that of all the things we discussed that day it would be those 3 things that I would take away with me.  And I did.

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