Tuesday, August 13, 2013

107 : We're Almost There, Right?

Well, I got home from work the other day only to find another invoice for $1000 from my attorney.  (Yes, I know it's tacky to talk about money like that, but this is MY blog so if you are offended, then stop reading.  Okay wait - come back- I don't have that many readers and don't want to lose you- please just finish reading this post and know that I will be conscious on how I speak of money moving forward).  Yes, $1000 for the past month of legal activity.  It was sickening.  I won't go into details about the total amount I had spent up to this point, but I will say it kept me up at night.  It was hard enough to have to deal with this situation emotionally, but the price tag at the end just added to the sting.  I called my mom to vent.  I knew that there was nothing really to say at this point, but I still needed to get it out.  She reminded me were almost there.  I had signed the papers (see post #76).  He had finally signed the papers.  Now we were just waiting for the final court date to prove it up.  And then it would be done.  It sounded so simple- which also made me feel sick- but I knew that the worst of it was behind me.  We were almost there.  It was almost over.  And I had a fresh start on the horizon.

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