Friday, April 18, 2014

354 : Wise Words

I was struggling a little bit earlier this week.  It wasn't one thing in particular, just overall stress that seemed to be building.  No matter where it started, it always seemed to expand into other areas of my life.  I was venting to a friend about a variety of topics, but most specifically an interaction at work that had left me feeling bad.  And it was then that my very wise friend reminded me of something.

Only you can let that person make you feel bad.

Her words made me stop to think for a minute.  Yes, it was easier said than done.  But it was undeniably true.  I couldn't allow myself to accept this negative energy.  Not from anyone.  A boss.  A colleague.  Even my Ex.  Life was too short and I was working hard enough on myself, I didn't need to absorb anything extra.  I knew I would not always be able to manage these feelings, but being aware of it was half of the battle.  I promised myself I would stay grounded in this truth moving forward as much as I could.

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