Friday, April 4, 2014

340 : Play the Hand You Were Dealt

So I made an offer on the townhouse yesterday.  I still don't know yet if they accepted.  There were multiple offers on the table at the time I made mine, and unfortunately I had no idea what they were or how mine compared.  I asked my realtor if I would be able to write a letter to distinguish myself in some way.  He liked the idea and noted that people were getting more and more creative these days given the market.  Yes, I was going to play the abandoned single mom card again.  But come on, if I was actually in this situation, certainly there must be some benefit from it, right?  And how much longer would I able to use this?  So, I sat down to comprise my letter.  Perhaps by humanizing the offer a little, I could influence the seller.  Perhaps not, but if I didn't try I would never know.

To the Owner:
My name is Molly McNamara and I am really interested in purchasing your town home! I understand you are probably entertaining multiple offers, so I wanted to share some personal details about why my family wants to call this place our home.
I am a single mother of 2 young boys, Jack and Rory. We are currently living in the city. My husband (now Ex-husband) walked out on us just over a year ago when my boys were 6 months and 2 years old. Needless to say, it’s been a very challenging year but we have all grown closer in spite of it. 
I am looking for a place to make a FRESH start and raise my family in a home full of love. My good friends live in Glenview and I’ve enjoyed spending time in the area. In fact, I’ve focused my search on this area in particular because I feel very comfortable in the neighborhood, I know the schools are excellent, and I have a tremendous support system nearby. I’ve looked at several places and feel your home truly offers everything I want to provide for my family. 
I hope you will consider my offer and thank you for your time.

Now I just had to sit back, wait it out and hope for the best.

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