Tuesday, February 4, 2014

281 : Don't Stop Trying

The other week, I took my kids to the doctor for my son's 18 month check up (see post #271).  I had been going to the same pediatrician for every appointment since my oldest was 1 week old.  I had seen a different doctor for my first visit to the office (3 days after we brought my oldest home from the hospital.) My milk had not come in yet, and as a result my son had lost a concerning amount of weight in a very short time period.  The doctor's feedback was harsh.  So much so, that I cried during the appointment, the way home and probably the entire rest of the day (if not longer).  It was already such a sensitive time for a new mother, I did not need to be told I was failing already at providing milk for my son.  I had to return a few days later for a follow up appointment and that was when I met my current Doctor.  She was informative, yet supportive and encouraging all at the same time.  I loved her immediately and we had been seeing her ever since.  Last year, I told her about what was happening at home and asked if she had any advice for how to handle things with the kids?  I was worried they would have problems as a result of our divorce.  I was worried they would be insecure or feel less loved.  She reassured me this was not the case just from her observations of me as a mother.  I think that's what I liked about her most.  She was professional and gave me all the medical information I needed, but her approach was conversational.  She made me feel comfortable.  Most recently, at the appointment the other week, I asked my Doctor if she had any ideas for how I could get my kids to eat healthier?  Her response was Don't Stop Trying.  Just because they refused something 1, 2, 3, 4, or even 5 times...don't stop trying.  I appreciated the simplicity of her advice and realized how this applied to all aspects of parenthood.  And then the more I thought about it, I began to see how this also was true of life overall.  To me, it was almost a more positive message than Don't Give Up.  Just don't stop trying.  I sat with this for a little while and then recognized these words almost as the mantra for what had been the past year.  My divorce had made me rethink everything - and I mean everything in my life.  But I was still trying.  I was trying to learn how to be a single parent.  I was trying to be present with my kids.  I was trying to be a good mom.  I was trying to be better at work.  I was trying to be there for my friends and family.  I was trying to be happy.  And the most amazing thing I all...I was.  Not every minute of every day, but I was for the most part, happy.  Perhaps the name of this blog should've been don't stop listening, because it was interesting how the tiniest bit of advice could lend such a deep insight into my world overall.  I would keep trying to get my kids to eat their vegetables and I would keep trying to find my place.

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