Today's blog is dedicated to my newest subscriber: you know who you are.
My loyal readers know that there have been several themes present on my blog since day one: managing stress, accepting certain realities, facing your fears, hitting rock bottom, landing on your feet and most importantly learning to love yourself. These are not specific titles of posts, but rather overall ideas that have been consistently woven into the content of my blog. I've struggled with all of them at varying points and continue to struggle at times. Such is life; the constant roller coaster of ups and downs. And sometimes when you start to have more than a couple 'downs' in a row, it begins to wear on you. This is perfectly normal. This happens to the best of us. It's important, though, to not lose sight that there will be an 'up' again. This is how I talk myself through things. When I am feeling that uncertainty, when I am feeling stress, when I am feeling anything other than good- I simply take a step back and remind myself what it is that I absolutely have to process at that moment. Everything else can wait. And if that doesn't work, then I usually go back and start reading earlier entries in my blog. I instantly recognize the progress I've made through my writing. For this reason alone, I encourage anyone who is reading to keep some sort of journal for themselves if you are willing. It's amazing how much you can learn about yourself through your own words. For me, when I go back and read my earlier posts, I see that there were days that I felt sad, there were days that I felt good, but above all, I persevered. I'm still not even sure how on some days, but I did it. I'm still here. I'm still standing. And I even find that I am happy most days. How did this happen? I don't know. But I do know that it is possible. I know that life can be cruel at times and it's certainly not always fair. But you can get through it. You can come out on the other side. You can be happy. I did it. You can too.
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