Sunday, April 6, 2014

342 : Message Received

My oldest son had been inquiring about his dad a lot lately (see post #324).  It was often difficult to hear.  I had spent so long working on myself to adjust to this life change; hearing his questions brought back many of the questions I had myself.  I tried to be sensitive to his needs.  When he asked for his dad, I tried to identify the next time he would see his dad and focus him on that.  Our new life was still confusing for all of us, but I needed to be emotionally available and supportive to him.  The questions continued.  And each time, I tried to answer from a place of calm.  And then the other day, I witnessed an exchange between my boys.  My youngest was whining that he wanted daddy.  Before I could address him, my oldest jumped in to comfort his brother.

You want daddy?  He's not here right now, but it's okay.  It's okay, honey.  

I was taken back by the response and support he was now giving his younger brother.  It wasn't the exact way I phrased it to him, but the message had gotten through.  They were both longing for more from their dad, and I wasn't confident they would ever get it.  But they had me.  And more importantly, they had each other.  The message I was sending had been received and it was now being passed on.  And as I watched the two of them in that moment, I felt something flood my heart:  pride.

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