Wednesday, February 19, 2014

296 : Cheers Mate!

Every now and then, when I'm finding myself thinking Why Me? (see post #294), I have to stop for a minute and take a look around.  Specifically, I find myself looking towards my friend, Nikki.  Nikki is probably one of the strongest people I know.  I know this about her, because I've seen her go through significant change over the past decade.  Maybe not the same change as what I've been through- her family has remained in tact and is stronger than ever, but it's still change none the less.  Nikki and her family moved from Detroit (just the two of them at the time) to Louisville (the 2 became 3) to then Chicago (3 + another on the way) back to Detroit (family of 5) and finally most recently to Australia.  I remember sitting on the sidelines observing each and every move, trying to be supportive for my friend.  I hope I truly was, because I'm not sure I had ever had my life uprooted so drastically until the past year.  Every time, though, Nikki seemed to find her way.  It wasn't always easy.  In fact, initially, it was never easy.  What change was easy?  But I was able to see the transformation each time.  It was difficult at first, but over time and with extensive effort, Nikki found her way.  Every time.  I admired how brave she was to start over again and again and again.  She just kept going.  And she always made it look so easy, that I sometimes forgot how hard it really was.  So now she was living in Australia of all places.  This final move was the culmination of everything that I admired about my friend.  Her adventurous spirit.  Her modesty in how hard she worked to make every move a success not only for herself, but for her whole family.  And above all else, her bravery in light of change. You never knew where life would take you.  And yet, my friend Nikki just continued to go along with it, enjoying the ride.  I was working towards living my life like that.  Who better to look to than my friend? Maybe I too would be in Australia a year from now?  (Okay, not likely and not the point.)  It was encouraging, though, to know that everyone had change in their life that they had to face - no matter how big or how small.  I had spent a long time watching my friend make adjustments her life.  I knew from her example, how I wanted to approach adjusting mine, too.  Thank you, Nikki!!!

To follow Nikki's adventures in Australia, visit her blog:

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