Monday, February 10, 2014

287 : New Couch

I got a new couch yesterday.  It wasn't brand new, but it was pretty close.  My friend at work had friends who owned this "really nice" couch but for some reason, they decided after a very short time to upgrade.  They just wanted their old couch out of there, so my friend at work offered it to me at no cost.  All I had to do was pick it up.  So, I did a few laps around the floor at work and in no time, I had recruited a couple guys to help.  Now, I wasn't in the market for a new couch.  But I saw a picture of it, and I just figured, why not?  I still had my Ex's chairs in our apartment and this was the perfect excuse to get them out.  I was so over my place.  I know, I had begged my landlord to let me stay there (see post #63) and I still think that was the right move at the time.  Still, now that more time had passed, I felt more adjusted in my newly single life and I was ready for a clean slate.  I started with my bedroom (see post #256).  I had no plans to invest in anything else with the rest of my home until I moved, but then this offer came to me and well you see where I'm going with this.  It was more than just a couch for me.  It was yet another opportunity to start fresh in my life- specifically in this case, in my home.  I liked the idea of having new and different things than when I was married.  It helped to make me feel more excited and comfortable about the changes in my life.  And I changed my son's diaper on it just a few hours after getting it, so it was officially mine.  Yippy!

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