Tuesday, May 28, 2013

30 : Appreciate Your Girlfriends

There are the type of women who understand the importance of friendship and the type that don't.  I've always been in the first camp.  It began when I was in the 2nd grade.  I met a girl who lived down the street and we were instantly best friends.  Within a few years, her family moved across the country but we always kept in touch.  She remains one of my best friends today.  I don't know why or how I became this way, but I've always made my friendships a priority.  It's been easy too, because they have always done the same for me.  We have some sick attachment to each other.  A bond greater than that of any man.  (Well, different at least).  When I got married, I had 10 bridesmaids stand up in my wedding - and I probably could've had more.  How ridiculous, right?  I know, I know.  10 is a bit over the top.  But if you knew my friends, you would understand immediately.  They are more than just my friends, they are my family.  Most of these women I've known since middle school.  We stayed close through high school and then through college.  In college, a few more joined our circle. Over the years, we've been through a lot together including our happiest and lowest times.  Illness.  Miscarriage.  Engagement.  Engagement called off.  Marriage.  Divorce.  Babies.  Job Changes.  Moves to the city.  Moves from the city.  Seems like all the biggest moments of my life involved these women.  I used to think that everyone had friends like I do, but as I get older I see it's not true.  We would do anything for each other.  And I know, because it's been tested many times.  At the lowest point in my life, it was these women that picked me up off the ground.  They helped me take care of myself. They made me laugh.  They took turns taking me in.  They fed me.  They got me really REALLY drunk (see post #5). They helped with my kids.  They gave me the most precious commodity of all : their time.  And I don't see this ever changing.  Life will continue to move on.  I will eventually get remarried to a great man (preferably tall, wildly successful and with a thick head of hair) but it will still be my girlfriends who will always get me.  They will be the ones to make me laugh. They will be the ones to cry with me when I'm in pain. They will understand my frustrations and sympathize with my stresses.  In the end, when I outlive said new husband I will still move to the retirement home with Megs and we will wear our matching sweatsuits for our morning walks.  And I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Molly, Nikki forwarded me your blog. I really appreciate seeing this all down in writing. It has made me laugh, cry and relieved to see you got through this. I'll keep reading, you keep posting. You have done an awesome job!
