At times when you are wallowing in your own misery, you start to lose focus on what is happening around you. I think I've fallen victim to that in the past, and made a promise to myself I would not do so again. Yes, I was an emotional mess, but life was continuing to move forward for others. I didn't want to be that person that couldn't be happy for others even though I was in a bad place. So while my life was taking a drastic change in one direction, something very special happened for one of my best friends. She became a mother. It sounds so simple when I say it like that, but there is so much more to the story. She and her husband had been trying for nearly 4 years to become parents. They worked with several surrogates and had a long road of physical and emotional challenges along the way. These two people were certain to be loving, generous parents and after their very long wait, they finally (FINALLY!) got their babies. (Yes, babies- TWINS!) When I met those tiny, sweet bundles of joy and saw my friend beam with motherly pride for the first time - I was reminded at how truly amazing life could be. And I couldn't deny that the feeling of pure happiness felt so much better than feeling sorry for myself.
It just so happens that Mother's Day falls on the same day as my friend's birthday this year. Coincidence? I think not! So on this day, I want to say to my friend Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day. You are calm, nurturing and already a natural with those babies. I love you and I am so incredibly happy for you.
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