Wednesday, January 22, 2014

268 : Home Sweet Home

Last night I returned from being out of town for nearly a week.  I had enjoyed my time out on production (see post #265 and #267).  It was an incredible experience and one that I would never forget.  I had to say, though, there was nothing better than the feeling I had walking into my home last night.  My boys were there, already in their pajamas giddy with excitement upon my return.  I was attacked with hugs and kisses.  My youngest squawked loudly with enthusiasm and my oldest couldn't get close enough to me.  I attempted to ease back into the typical routine offering snacks and a show as we weren't far away from their bed time.  I think they were a little too excited though. After a while, I got my youngest settled in bed and that just left my three year old.  Recently he seemed to require a little more in going to bed.  He wanted to watch a show.  And then he decided to change his pajamas.  Then there was usually a diaper.  And finally after multiple attempts to get him down, he just started begging for me to lay down with him.  This was usually the hardest part for me as I craved just a little time to myself.  Often I had not even eaten dinner yet by this time and I wanted to unwind a little on my own before bed.  And last night was no different.  I had just returned home.  I had to work the next day.  I had to unpack.  I was in no way settled.  But none of that really mattered last night.  There was nothing that could keep me away from my little guy.  So while I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet, I cuddled up next to my son and slowly drifted to sleep.  It was so good to be home.

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