Thursday, January 2, 2014

248 : Watch Your Alma Mater Win the ROSE BOWL!

Michigan State won the 100th Rose Bowl last night.  Michigan State!  WON!  The Rose Bowl!  For the first time in 26 years!  There really wasn't much to say, other than what an awesome victory for MSU and what a wonderful way to start off the new year.  I wore my oversized T shirt around the apartment last night trying to focus on the game while my 2 little people were running all over the joint.  They were excited to be home after spending 5 days with their dad.  I made delicious 'tailgate sandwiches' for us - thinking that since I was the mother of 2 boys, it was important I know how to cook for a big football game.  And surprisingly, both boys liked them!  Another win that night:)  With the final minutes counting down, both boys climbed on my lap and the 3 of us watched together.  I didn't plan it that way, they just somehow both knew.  And then my boys started fighting over the 1 Michigan State baseball hat that we had in the house (my youngest eventually winning!)  It was such a cute moment.  It was definitely a different family memory than I had ever expected to have, but I was thankful to share it with them.  I was already noting how I would tell them one day years down the road, how they were 1 and 3 when they first saw Michigan State win the Rose Bowl.  We were all sick with nasty colds, but I let them stay up to watch the end of the game.  And then we all celebrated, jumping up and down and dancing around.  If this victory was any indication of what 2014 was going to look like, then I think we were going to have a good year.  A very good year.

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