A good friend forwarded me an email the other week that I wanted to share. It was from Kathy Freston's The Daily Lean sent out on December 12 of this year. It requires no further explanation.
Today's Lean: Feel It, But Don't Let It Define You
You can feel whatever negative emotion that comes up without letting it define your future. For instance, you can feel hurt by someone’s criticism without concluding that you’ll never be good enough. You can be rejected without determining that your future prospects are dim. You can be enraged at someone’s cruelty or insensitivity without letting it harden you to humankind. You can suffer humiliation without making your mind up that it’s never safe to take a risk.
Pain should inform you rather than define you. Feel whatever anguish arises, and let it teach you how strong/vulnerable/sensitive/resilient you are. Let it show you where you need to grow, how to choose better and differently. The goal is always to deepen and expand, so if you feel yourself contracting from an injurious experience, let it be temporary before you push out and explore again. Refuse to be stopped.
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