Sunday, October 20, 2013

175 : Just Admit It

Being a parent is exhausting.  I'll say it again.  Exhausting!  I'm not saying that quietly, either.  I'm screaming it at the top of my lungs (across the internet).  There is no shame in admitting this.  It doesn't mean I love my kids any less or I don't try to offer the most I can each day.  It doesn't mean I'm patient at all times (hardly!) or I'm perfect in every parental decision I make. It's quite the opposite.  My kids drive me crazy sometimes.  They destroy my house.  They refuse to eat.  They throw tantrums and beat up on each other and take me for granted multiple times a day just as I probably do the same with them.  Tonight, my boys played together in their room with the door closed for a solid 8 minutes.  8 minutes I had peace and quite (and a glass of wine) to access the damage throughout my home. (My time was interrupted when my 3 year old opened the door during the 9th minute to report a problem). I can admit that I cringe sometimes at the thought of having them to myself all weekend just as I cry at the thought of being without them.  Yes, being a parent is exhausting, but if I could do it all over, I would chose it again.  Because being a parent is also amazing.  My children have brought me a happiness that I had never previously known.  They make me laugh so hard it hurts.  They melt my heart with the most innocent of looks, comments or gestures.  Nothing in life worth keeping comes without a price.  So exhaustion may be what I keep paying for the coming years.  I'd say it's still worth it.

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